
TPA’s Rapid Rail Access division launches portfolio of site access and safety products.

A portfolio of products designed to increase site safety, efficiency and productivity, as well as potentially reduce costs for railway station contractors, has been launched by temporary access solutions specialists TPA.

The one-stop-shop solution features both rapid rail access and portable roadways products such as lightweight foam RRAPs, TAP-Strail semi-permanent RRAPS, and Maxi-Track heavy duty and Zappmat light duty plastic ground protection panels. The portfolio also features the recently introduced station platform access steps and brand-new platform edge protection barriers.

All of the products are designed with the protection of site workers and station infrastructure in mind. In recent years, station works have focused on the refurbishment and upgrading of existing stations or the construction of brand-new ones.

With railway passenger numbers now returning to pre-COVID levels and expected to resume growth in the medium to long-term future, train operators are refocusing their efforts on the provision of longer trains, resulting in the requirement for longer platforms, improved station infrastructure and facilities. A particularly busy period of station upgrade works is planned in Network Rail’s next investment control period (CP7, which runs between 2024 and 2029).

As a significant proportion of TPA’s existing rail customers are already involved in station works of one type or another, and many other station contractors are likely to prefer the ease and convenience of a one-stop-shop for temporary access equipment, the company have compiled the best access solutions in one place.

The brand-new platform edge protection barriers have been designed to protect people working on station platforms from accidentally falling onto the track itself, while the recently introduced platform access steps allow safe, secure pedestrian access between station platforms and the track.

The Maxi-Track and Zappmat plastic roadway products are ideal for easily creating temporary construction compounds and can be used to protect vulnerable station platform surfaces from heavier vehicle and plant traffic.

Rapid Rail Access sales manager Richard York said: “As well as providing a one-stop-shop for station works equipment, our launch of the Station Works Portfolio has the potential to realise cost savings for contractors by minimising damage to the infrastructure and reducing time lost to accidents during construction works.”